November 16th, 2004
08:56 pm i'm seriously suffering from memory loss.. i cant remember anything lately and let me tell you how awesome that has been! ok i decided CBA puts all high schools to shame. (cept for the fact they have no girls) they kill everyone at sports andddd they put on awesome shows. i saw their production of neil simon's 'rumors' friday night with jamie rubessss (YES <3 SKAMIE) it was great- so great. mhs should do that show next year because it's HILARIOUS. no offense to the drama club but dude you guys gotta over throw that whore of a "drama" teacher already or just boy cott mhs auditions and try out for the cba shows- girls would be more than welcomed there ;]
i've turned into a book worm.
i'm really fucking pissed about last sunday. son of a gun. anyone who was at the bled/bronx show: you. lucky. bastards.
i can't wait to get this week over withhh.. SATURDAY i'm flying down to florida it is then in polk county florida that i will be staying with the greatest person in my existance ANDREW! for 9 DAYS. <3 Boy oh Boy oh Boy OH BOY!!!! :) :)
what will i be coming home to? a fucking atreyu concert. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH lauren riess i miss you, when i come home we're going to have some fun ya hear?
ummmm i'm running out of motives to type. adios xxox Hannah Current Mood: anxious Current Music: THE BLED... YOUU KNOW WHOS SEATBELT <3
November 10th, 2004
11:33 pm Do you... Give high fives? --fo shizzle Remember where you were when OJ Simpson was let free? --eh no not so much.. was i supposed to? Remember where you were when Princess Di had died? --nuh-uh. ask me if i remember where i was september 11th why dont ya, i'd be more likely to tell you that than this buck-o Eat with your mouth open? --to tell you the complete truth i dont know how one can physically eat with their mouth open without feeling weirdness or stupidness in their jaw. yess? no? thats just me
Have You Ever... Got Drunk? --yeeeessssaaaa Been in love: --i am with an incredible gentleman who goes by the name of motis, andrew. Stayed home on Saturday night: --yeahh saturday movie nights own Done anything funny while you were drunk or high: --emma if you're reading this, i saw this question and for some reason got random random flashbacks of being in your kitchen at 3am with a water hose & talking about grape and peach flavored items??? in holla's basement fhgjsfdhgjfdghjh Gotten in a car accident: --*knocks on wood* Thought you were going to die: --fuck yeah like this past month when i had mono! it was bad newwwss. naw no death visions here. Wanted to run away: --everyday of my life... but i don't cause that'd be the easy way out Cursed in front of your parent(s): --yeah cursing is like a second language in my house Cursed in front of your teacher(s): --yeahh no shame no shame Flunked a grade: --noppee, i'm not THAT much of a slacker Skipped a grade: --i wish i could skip next year and graduate early Murdered someone: --if i tell you i'll have to kill you. Been to the Eiffel Tower: --not yet, i fully intend on visiting europe, paris and such in the near future Made homemade fudge? --hoe yeah, better crocker right hurr Been on stage: --yeah and i sang my little heart out.. then i became a crackwhore
In the last 24 hours have you... Cried? --yeah this morning actually after hearing bad news Eaten pizza? --mmmmm i wish. damn fuck you stupid non living question thing, now i'm craving pizza. Helped someone? --could be Bought something? --yeppoo, a pack of booger flavored jellybeans. no joke playa, harry potter jellybeans; dirt, sardine, soap, eathworm, spinach, booger, vomit flavored included! *note to all* if i offer you a jellybean in the near future dont eat it muahahahah Worn a skirt? --yup yesterday when it was 20 degrees out Been sarcastic? --always ^ ^ Gone for a run? --on the tredmill at the gym, sir yes sir Gone to the movies? --nope Felt stupid? --andrew, ask me to say drawer and you are going down Kissed someone? --no =/ i miss him Given someone a present? --sort of; i mean it didn't get to him yet but ohhh its out there on its way via postall Missed someone? --every minute of every day, with the exception of what will be in 13 days, WOO Had a nightmare? --yeah but lets refrain from talking about it Fought with your parent? --of course; shit happens
Last Things You Did... Last book you read: --the bell jar by sylvia plath Last book you read by choice: -- ^ ditto Last movie you saw: --SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW Last movie you saw on the big screen: --SSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW Last phone number you called: --my faithful 863 number <3 Last song you heard: --i'm currently listening to underoath Last thing you had to drink: --strawberry bananannanana smooothie Last time you showered: --an hour ago Last time you slept: --last night i suppose Last words you said: --i love you Last thing you ate: --strawberry bananananna smoothie
Misc.... Future daughter names: --Hope or Cayla which means pure Future son names: --Gavin which means little hawk :] Best feeling in the world: --Andrew Can you do any thing out of the ordinary in your dreams? --Yeah, be a part of them physically. I practice Lucid Dreaming. Color socks you're wearing: --No socks here! How many shoes you own: --Hahhaahhahahahahahah One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: --It's the struggle, the relief and the love that makes the world go round Current Mood: awake Current Music: Underoath / Atreyu / Poison The Well playlist
November 6th, 2004
02:10 am
 ...december 26th... Need I Say More?? Hmm, so I decided to bring this Live Journal deal back from the dead- I know I know I'm such a horrible person, I mean who like doesn't upkeep their Live Journal on a daily basis?! OMG! (note to all and any idiot readers out there, that is what the usage of sarcasm, s-a-r-c-a-s-m, looks like) -Anyyyyyyyyyyyywhoooot, first off-- no no no I did not fall off the face of the planet and I did not drop out of school kiddies. Instead, I had the pleasure of becoming aquainted with Mononucleosgfjgdfgldgh which was like the closest thing to death I've ever experienced considering you can't A) Walk. B) Stay awake for more than 15 mintues tops. C) Eat. For about a month, the only two places my body resigned at was either between my bedroom walls, on a doctor's examination bench, or in a hospital bed. GOOOOOOD TIMES!!!!! I must say though, I have a new appreciation for my ability to be a functioning human being. I am better now and hopefully I will stay this way cause ya know I kinda missed the other aspects of living other than just breathing air. Forget STDS... it's this MONO shit you have to worry about. But enough about that monster-- Today I sat in a movie theater for a good 5 hours. Erik and I ventured to the mighty Regal in hopes of seeing just one good movie... Bastards we are, we got to see TWO good movies- the second one being even better than the first. Muahaha we're awesome. But yeah, we saw The Grudge which was entertaining mainly cause... 1-It took place in Japan and Japan is freaking cool. 2- Gore Verbinski knows just how to get those creepy ass images that just don't leave your mind so soon. However the ending was just WEAK--- it was sort of like "okay this movie is dragging out and heading nowhere because we aren't creative enough to extend the plot further so let's just end it here" So in my opinion, The Grudge was just simple entertainment- And despite what people said about it's content, I really didn't find it at all horrific.... BUT MAYBEEEE this is all because right after we saw that we snuck into "SAW" which is BY FAR the greatest movie I've seen in a loooooooooooong time. To any fan of the movie "SEVEN" , it would seriously be like the 8th deadly sin for a fan of Seven to not see this movie. The underlying concept of those two movies are basically the same- however someone is deffinatly most likely to guess the ending of Seven rather than Saw. --Because the ending of Saw you're just like HOLY FUCKING SHIT. (which aside from Fight Club & American Beauty, Seven is an absolute favorite of mine but I must say, Saw is right up there now) I wish that for one day I could meet the creators of these movies and talk to them about their psych because I mean the fact that someone has the mind to CREATE the movie's masterminds is just INSANE. It's like where the fuck does some one come up with this stuff. Total props to them. Hahaha oh yeah funny stuff, during the ENTIRE movie we kept hearing this girl freaking out a few rows in back of us, like screaming almost crying and just total making a scene-- We walk out of the movie theater and it wound up being a friend of ours ...For their sake I'm not mentioning a name... Hahahha but boy oh boy, I thought you were going to shit your underwears! Tonight was fun, chilled at Erik's with G-BABY... and messed around for like an hour or two to RANDOM shit- From Glassjaw to Every Time I Die to Taking Back Sunday to Gavin Degraw??? Hahahahah I tried to pull off the lead singer of ETID's microphone antics... as well as good old Daryl's insanity stage breakdowns. (lead singer of Glassjaw on stage is like nooooo other) -By the way Erik & Matt thats fucking awesome you guys learned ETID's shit... props to you. Then we decided that we were really hungry and it'd be very appropriate to take Erik's daddy's beamer out to pick up some WENDYS. (Hahah Colombo we are so bad ass we did two illegal things in one day) But yeah it was a conspiracy because at one point there was literally a cop car in FRONT of us, BEHIND us, and to the LEFT of us while we were waiting at a red light. Mission Accomplished, Erik got his spicy chicken, I got my chili and cheese and G-BABY got his frosssttttyy. Then this kid had a party tonight so we swung by that area and picked up Karph and Jordan who were --walking home drunk in the freezing cold? Good one guys, you're lucky Erik's such a nice guy! Hahaha and Erik you're lucky your dad's tire didn't go flat.. (You see folks, we did not see Karph and Jordan at first so we had to sort of make a sudden stop at the side of the rode and Erik kinda FLEW over the curb while we were going like 50) But yeah we dropped off a drunk Jordan and took Karph home with us. A DRUNK REDHEAD + BEN AND JERRYS = A GOOD TIME. I'm sorry but I must share a quote because Mr.Michael Karph you had us all laughing wayyyyy after you went home. See we got into a conversation where Miguel exposed rather dirty thoughts so the conversation went as following... Me: What'd you like jerk off on her bed or something? Karph: No. I couldn't get it up! My blood was too saturated with alchohal. (THE ROOM FILLS WITH LAUGHTER) Karph: You know, you need blood to get it erect. (LAUGHTER CONTINUES FOREVER) HAHAHAH, YES MIKE WE KNOW YOU NEED NICE & HEALTHY BLOOD. BOY OH BOY, THERE IS ONLY ONE RED HEAD NAMED MIKE KARPH AND THAT'S HIM! Wow good times. Then Danielle and Jaqui came over with a cookie cake from Wegmans and we chilled and I experienced my first drama filled OC episode. Wow I mean that alone completed my life............ Hahaha it was a good time and for the record, Judy Blume has NO involvement with the OC! HFDJHGJFDGHJFD I'm so tired now, but yeah I had a fun night and why not exploit the good times with good friends? :] Time for bed- glad to be rid of mono and back having fun. It was really getting the best of me... Thank god for Andrew though <3-- You're amazing Mr.Motis and I MISS YOU so much!! 18 days though!!! You are so worth the wait ;] ..On that note I'm going to drift into dream land. Night ya'll Current Mood: sleepy Current Music: the cure
September 4th, 2004
11:23 pm - This Just In: Anjroooo Takeover
ladies and gentiles- the previous entry was written by the one, the only... ANDREW  MOTIS Yes, he's big. Yes, he's bad. Yes, he's rad. But NO, he isn't at my house like he is supposed to be because of Hurricane Francis; The Bastard. FUCK YOU FRANCIS! Damn mother nature's PMS! In other news: School started. My schedule goes something like this: - History with Nashhhyy
- Fine Art II with Wiegan
- Adamzackkkjglkffjdkkk with freaking Smart Ass Freshman/Sophmores
- Gym
- Chemistry with Culver who is the MAN
- Lunchhhacha
- English with a woman who hasn't smiled once yet
- Graphic Design/Communications
Alright, I'm in no mood to update tonight, I'm feeling slightly ADDish tonight. Current Mood: annoyed Current Music: The Misfits
September 3rd, 2004
11:03 pm - My Life Story Well, i was walking down the streets of marlboro when i came across a hippo. i totally stabbed it just because thats the kind of person i am.....a pirate. Argg matey, so if you ever recieve anthrax in the mail it was probably me. i like playing drums. especially on corpses of dead presidents cause im a pirate. im such a hardcore pirate i actually rap about it: I'm a pirate Not a pilot I swing from ship to ship in pants that fit i killed your dad which isn't bad I am rad thats not sad Get up on your feet it isn't time to eat I smell like rotting meat that u cannot keep word your a terd on a bird rest assured im the woah man with a frying pan in my left hand that just can crush your face in you are mistaken for what im sayen is your corpse rapen fa sheezy Yes im a rapping pirate who stabs hippos and pushes old people into traffic. im such a gangster, therfore your should respect me in everyway possible Night assholes.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................jk I have more to say. wait no i dont. Die mother fuckers Die
August 28th, 2004
01:51 am - " I'll be waiting- With a Gun and a Pack of Sandwhiches ...for nothing. "
TIME TO ADVERTISE; LOVEDRUG. They are the newest addition to my long long list of bands to listen to. They are an incredible incredible band instrumentally and lyrically, and really nice guys. (Well I don't really know about the drummer or the bassist, I only spoke with the lead singer, Mike and the guitarist, David) Hah but yes. Go check them out at LoveDrugMusic.com - Their cd 'Pretend You're Alive' is out so if you dig em, be a good person and support them and buy a copy.   Current Mood: mellow Current Music: lovedrug
August 26th, 2004
04:07 pm - bleh bleh blah There is some one sitting out in their car in front of my neighbors house, blasting their horn repeatidly. I want to chop their hand off. School starts a week from today and that single thought makes my stomach twist into knots of all shapes and sizes- The reason solely being that school for me means being in an enviroment that makes my teeth clench, being surrounded by people who make me want to run to the nearest toliet and vomit, andd obeying adults whom I am forced to respect for unknown reasons. I am praying for a miracle that something somehow will change. I just finished cleaning up my room in hopes of feeling like I had control over something- Anything. Yes, my room is very very clean and organized now, however control of my life still remains to be non-existant. I am so close to giving up on people. I realized everything at this age for a certain majority boils down to one single thing- and it frustrates me to no end. Damnit all to hell- I'm going to watch AquaTeen Hunger Force. Meatwad = smiles?? One week from tommorow, yay. Current Mood: sad Current Music: ben harper
August 24th, 2004
09:19 pm - HA HA HA i have been laughing all night, i forgot what i'm even laughing about in the first place. everything is just FUNNY.
maybe it has to do with the fact that my dog got his tongue stuck to an ice cube for the third night in the row?? my genius brother is smart enough to keep placing these frozen cubes in the poor puppies water bowl.
now i am listening to primus. they are funny. they are FREAKING AWESOME.
yesterday i went to avon beach with jamie and i decided that i am never going there ever ever ever ever ever ever again. that shit costs me so much money every time i go there. i dont thing mother nature intended for people to go broke when building the beautiful beaches. honestly who the fuck charges people to lie out by the ocean and such. douchebags. thats who!!!!
lbi sucked today- no waves. no sun.
Ice Cream time!!!! =] Current Music: primus - jerry was a racecar driver
August 22nd, 2004
August 20th, 2004
06:09 pm - take the Money. Run take the Money and Run... Hello Helloooo. Other than the fact for the past week I've had this annoying cramp in the arch of my foot that should just DIE already, I've been alright. I saw COPELANDD last night at Krome with as well as like 800000000 other bands. Most of them were local but the two that toured with Copeland (Love Drug & The Working Title) were to my surprise really good! I mean yeah there were times throughout the performance where I kinda wanted to curl up under a blankie and take a little nap, but for the most part- my ears liked what they heardd. I in fact wound up purchasing Love Drug's cd- didn't get around to listening to it in its entirety but so far so good! They sort of remsemble a combination of radiohead/copeland/the cure... 3 totally awesome bands. The lead singer of The Working Title was like making love to the microphone as well as any one standing Meg and I met up with Colombo, Karph, Pizzo, Klovsky and others ANDDDDD I was pleasantly surprised to see none other than the EZ MAN DELUXE there. Copeland played an awesome set, but did not include 'She Changes Your Mind' which made me and Meg sad!! Anywhooooo, after they finished playing we sort of waited around for a bit. I don't know where everyone else dissapeared to but Meg, her friend Laura and I stayed and started talking more to the lead singer of the band. We wound up chatting with Aaron for literally like a half hour it was nuts. He is actually from Lakeland Florida which is a good few minutes from Andrew's town. It was ironic because when I mentioned the fact he asked me "Andrew, I remember him- does he have blonde hair? medium built? wears jeans? likes pizza a LOT?" --At first we all thought he was joking around, being sarcastic. But later on I found out, truth of the matter is, they all actually had met him previously at a dinner with Chris Carraba (when he was Further Seems Forever's front man) who is also from the area and whenever they were in town, they'd all hang out together. SO yeah, go figure, it was pretty awesome hearing Copelands front man telling me how awesome my Andrew was. That was really cool. I'm not surprised ... you are a very impressionable person Mr.Motis =] After like 10 minutes I felt bad cause I didn't know wether or not he wanted us to stay or go so I was like 'It was awesome talking to you' but he's like 'Yeah totally, what's your name" then he kept the conversation going. He is a really really nice guy.. Very funny too. We talked about random things from accents, to liking where you grew up, to food, to curtosy and assholes, & such. Hopefully when I go down there at the end of September we can all chill. Meg and I kinda got lost and almost got on the bridge to New York but hey it's all good! Hahah, twas a gooood night. For the most part, I really don't connect well with other beings, and a lot of the times I feel like they don't relate to or understand me. I think that's why music is such a part of me because it's one of the only things I relate to. It's an even more satisfying glory though getting the chance to converse with the minds behind the music, who are basically writing your thoughts in lyrics. I'd give anything to talk to Brandon Boyd for a longer period of time, but I am so grateful that I've had such a fufilling experience such as that one and now this one. Off into the shower I go. Listen to music if you already don't. It's good for you. Later Kiddies Current Mood: hot Current Music: radiohead
August 16th, 2004
07:40 pm - ramblings Jamie is home! -- Only she's not =/ You see she's locked away, and it is there in the clutches of her madre that she will be whipped back into the program. Sorry mamer! I miss you and I could have told you a thousand and one years ago that reality bites.
SO much for going to philly today. Goddamn!
If I had any say in things, I would propose that after a certain age (hmmm lets say sixteen, seventeen. any takers?) we should be allowed to make our own damn choices and live with our own set of rules. You see at this age, morality and reality created by our parents and the world around us has already sunk in to the deep depthes of our brains- and at this point there is very little that can change our mind frame. We are not small and innocent. We are no longer easily influenced. It now takes IMPACT to shift our gears. Hence my want/need/concern that parents should not come in to play at this point of life! The only thing that young adults 'need' from their parents at this stage, is support (ie moneyy) - And it's this reason and this reason only that these young adults will be royally screwed in years to come when they wake up and realize the comfort of their parents support system no longer exists. I say we all move out and start a revolution. Muhahahah!
Does any one else have the tendency to bite off more than they could chew? I certainly have my work cut out for me in the near future. Oh and umm where the fuck did all the sunshine go? CMON NOW! Mother nature you already fucked enough shit up down in Florida, now please give us some freaking sun already! I miss the beach =[
Ice cream sounds good right about now. Then again, ice cream always sounds good! Ciaoo kids.
PS- why do i live so far from where my heart is =/ I MISS YOU! Current Mood: aggravated Current Music: led zeppelin
August 15th, 2004
01:31 am - CHARLEY is a BEAST -
here in jersey, hurricane destruction is very surreal and we really don't realize just how badly mother nature can fuck things up. one hand always breaks what the other makes. charley tore up polk county florida yesterday with 150mph winds and fucking sister twisters. imagine waking up only to find that your neighbors house is roofless, all your trees are uprooted, your shed is rubbish, debri everywhere, power lines knocked over blocking roads. pure disaster. anywho, andrew & co. hang in there- fingers crossed for power! NOTE: stop reading my live journal you fucking ignoble buffoon you. maybe instead of wasting your time reading this trying to get inside my mind, you should pick up a book or watch a good quality movie or two... maybe then you could learn a few things about being a human being with a spine in society. THATS BESIDESSSSSSSSSS THE POINTT.. i did a number on my hair ;] i'll try to post pictures. i've got a whole bunch of different colors running through.. that i suppose could be described as like a gold and cinnamon and others - i've got some side bangs goin on as well. i now have a new found love for my hairdresser. stuff is going to kick so much ass it's unreal. -8/15- JAMIE RUBESS I MISSED YOUUUU -8/16/17/18- PHILLY LOVEEE ..hdfjhjlfh EMMA!!! -8/19- COPELAND! -8/20- 92 CENT SHOW GUESTS COHEED & CAMBRIA / MY CHEM ROMANCE -8/21- RC RC RC RC RC RC RCCCCC -8/26/27/28- NYU -9/3- ANDREW!!! =D <3 =] -9/30- INCUBUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SHOW NUMERO DOS IN TAMPAA FL -9/31/-10/1- MOTIS RESIDENCE =D <3 =] POLK COUNTY FL REPRESENT ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST PART! after november, i'm through with my career at mhs fuckers. ahahhaha i rule hey guys i want ya'll to check out my cousin Bess Rogers. she landed a record deal a few monthes back and she's been working real hard in the studio lately on her album (comes out late fall 04!) but yeah go check her out- click on her name- itt is a link to her website. she's a fucking awesome awesome awesome person and a really talented singer songwriter. she writes everything from the melodies to the lyrics and yeah just go check her out!!!! feeling time! (hahaha mrs.pincus's magic circle.. 5th grade duganites, any takers??) AHHH, i am so happy. i am so incredibly good at being a pessimist, i've been one my entire life and trust me i still am, but i dont know, i think it's extremely possible that this feeling will one day overcomee the pessismist in me. it is this invincible feeling... like i've got the whole world in my hands as if it were puttty and i could do whatever i wanted with it. it's crazy how bright the future looks. for the first time in my life, i can literally sit back -like i am now- and just smile at how content i am with life. and to top it all off i am floating. i've BEEN floating. =D i'm so grateful that i'm able to experience the greatest gift to mankind......... eighteen days sounds loveelyy GOodNIght dipshits Current Mood: excited Current Music: incubus
August 13th, 2004
01:33 am - tight black, assholes, pink sunglasses, seven, and such school is approaching- this makes me sick.
two more years of roaming through the halls of the walking dead. i make myself laugh when recalling memories of that place and all the people that go with it. for instance you have the girls who get up at like 4:30 in the morning to do their hair and such yet they come to school and they are STILL ugly! then by the end of the day they complain to me on the bus or what not how frizzy their hair is. bite me, i don't care bitches. then you have the guys who slave their asses around these girls.. they too get up super early to do their hair. one could drown in the amount of gel in their hair. these are the boys that spend more money on their jeans than i do on my yearly supply of ice cream (and for those of you who know me, that is a fucking lot) then there's the boys AND girls, who just don't know how to keep their hands off eachother. the ones that you see at EVERY corner sucking their faces off in an obtrusive manner. can't forget the girls who scream down the hall "omg i like fucking loveeee you" in attempts for the world to notice how COOL they are when in reality 98% of us notice how STUPID they look. (that 2% fall into a variety of categories, main one being the STUPIDS) "omg like fucking fall down a pit and die" HERE kiddies, is where i will now feed to you a group of individuals who make up 7685968926785920% of my wonderful school of high. (literally) yeah this one goes out to all my home girls and home boys who need to pick up a mirror and take a good look in it once and awhile.
ANWAYS- go fucking watch SE7EN with braddddleeyyy pitt and MOOORRGGAN FREEMAN two kick ass guys right there! gentleman; take notes =D
tight black pants and pink sunglasses make the world go round and if you have to ask me what that means, then just forget it
screw y0ur scene (1:53:47 AM): i like making fun of lame-os Anevabeballin (1:54:03 AM): you are so rocket power screw y0ur scene (1:54:10 AM): hahahha i know i love it
damnnn straight rocket power rules andrew and you know it!! ummm 'fuck the world?' pfffttt
later doodersss Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: glassjaw
August 11th, 2004
11:31 pm - EMMA WHITAKER whitz29 (11:28:41 PM): apparently we had sex to the song "hey ya"... whitz29 (11:28:51 PM): i think its when we put on a show for um katie and my camp friends? whitz29 (11:28:55 PM): i forgot about that ------- (11:29:15 PM): there was no music ------- (11:29:20 PM): and there was no show whitz29 (11:29:35 PM): well i mean we did have sex while they watched... ------- (11:29:45 PM): kinda ------- (11:29:49 PM): and almost joined whitz29 (11:29:51 PM): and i think there was music ------- (11:29:58 PM): :-P whitz29 (11:30:01 PM): .... whitz29 (11:30:02 PM): bye
why am i laughing so fucking hard right now? oh OKAY! Emma if I were to write the story of our lives it would sound like this:
uhhh i could go on and on but yeah no one gets this shit but us hahahahha i love you. my sisterrrrr SEE YOU MONDAY BITCH!!!
01:48 am - is any of this making sense to you?? ever notice that EVERYTHING in this town is a competition. will the contestants please fall off a pit and die? mmk thanks
why is it that i can't drive alone in a car but senial gramps can!!!!!! i should have my fucking liscence - not him getting in the car is clearly a suicide attempt
life appears to be damn good. i am happy to say it.
i watched an extremely good movie last night and it goes by the name of BOONDOCK SAINTS and instead of sitting on your bum bum staring at a computer screen, checking peoples profiles, reading their live journals, talking to people who you probably just saw earlier in the day, i suggest you spend your night renting and watching this movie!
yeah so i totally went shopping today and burned a hole in my non existent wallet. whatever money i earned via coin star (god bless) and babysitting.. is now gone. wow i RULE at spending money.
you know what i think is amusing! how everyone is home from all their 8578567859706 dollar teen tours and college summer experience thingys where they go places that some people will never get to go in their entire lives and everyone has "MISSING MY____" (yeah just fill in the blank) PLASTERED all over their profiles and away messages. its like OKAY! dude we KNOW you miss your amigos. all you have to do is say it once. i swear we arent THAT stupid that we won't get it the first time.
i guess i should make an attempt at bed grams is sick and its off to the doctor with her tommorow =/
later skaters Current Mood: awake Current Music: ETID!!!!!!!!!!!!! emergancy broadcast syndrome ..anyone?