Results from all of the questions in group:

Question: Are you a trekkie?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 337 74.39%
No 70 15.45%
Beam me up, Scottie! 45 9.93%
Total Votes: 453

Question: What's your gender?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Male 414 91.39%
Female 38 8.39%
Total Votes: 453

Question: Do you rollerblade?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 353 77.92%
No 90 19.87%
All the Time 9 1.99%
Total Votes: 453

Question: Do you have your own web site?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 431 95.35%
No 20 4.42%
Total Votes: 452

Question: How do you like this site so far:

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
It Rox! 347 76.77%
Surfable 77 17.04%
Loserville 27 5.97%
Total Votes: 452

Question: How fast is this site as compared to others?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Blazing! 354 78.32%
It moves 76 16.81%
The turtle is beatin you... 21 4.65%
Total Votes: 452

Question: Do you like music with a site?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 350 77.43%
No 101 22.35%
Total Votes: 452

Question: Do you like the Music Engine(you need javascript to see it)?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 352 77.88%
No 79 17.48%
Kinda 20 4.42%
Total Votes: 452

Question: Was this survey exiting?

Possible Answers# of VotesPercentages
Yes 345 76.33%
No 47 10.40%
Dream on 59 13.05%
Total Votes: 452