ARTICLE - A3091 "Real Estate Facilities: Merging Onto the TechnologySuperhighway," Kurt Haglung AIA (March/April 1996, Page 34).
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ARTICLE - A3092 "Turning the Tide of Technology to Avoid ProfessionalObsolescence," Hal G. Reid MCR (March/April 1996, Page 24).
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ARTICLE - A4000 "The Impact of Today's Technology on Space Planning,"Laurin McCracken AIA, MCRS and Karen Marshall (January/February 1997, Page 34).
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ARTICLE - A4001 "Equip Your Real Estate Department for Tomorrow: It MightCost Less Than You Think!," Douglas E. Schmidt and GaryApplestein (January/February 1997, Page 30).
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ARTICLE - A4008 "The Great Corporate Real Estate Technology Debate: Smokeand Mirrors or the Secret Weapon for 2000 and Beyond?" SusanM. Obijiski, MCR.h, (January/February 1997, Page 24).
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ARTICLE - A4079 "What Technological Changes Will the Future Bring forOffice Users?" by Jeffrey S. Weil SIOR, CCIM, MCRS(November/December 1997, Page 36)
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ARTICLE - A4112 "A Case Study: Successfully Mixing Historic and High-Techat Hinxton," Keith Blake, (May 1998, Page 30)
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ARTICLE - A4145 "Utilizing Technology in Corporate Real Estate,"Van Overbeek, Roger, (September 1998, Page 24).
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ARTICLE - A4146 "Presenting Real Estate in the Digital Age,"Nakata, Kouji PhD and Greer, John, (September 1998, Page 30)
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ARTICLE - A4147 "NACORE Launches its Spruced-Up Web Site,"(September 1998, Page 34).
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ARTICLE - A4148 "The Useful Corporate Real Estate Links,"(September 1998, Page 35).
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BOOK - B167 Profiting From a Geographic Information System,edited by Gilbert H. Castle, III.
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BOOK - B203 Environmental GIS Applications to Industrial Facilities,Published by Environmental Resources Management, Inc.
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BOOK - B229 Getting to Know Desktop GISPublished by Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.,this soft-covered book explains the concepts upon which theGIS technology is based, how it works and what it does.One chapter includes an entire application using aparti
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BOOK - B230 The Site Book: A Field Guide to Commercial Real EstateEvaluationThis 160 page soft-covered how-to manual written by NACOREmember Richard M. Fenker PhD is produced by Mesa Housepublishing. It is divided into: Site Evaluation; Problemsand Perspectives; Cus
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BOOK - B268 The Job Seeker's Guide to On-Line Resources. This bookreveals exponential growth in on-line services forexecutives and professionals in the job market. In addition,it identifies 140 candidate databases, job-posting services,and related resources accessibl
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BOOK - B270 Electronic Resumes for the New Job Market. A JobBankUSA guide written by Peter D. Weddle, this publication is anexcellent tool for targeting your resume for use inelectronic searches and in sending to large search firmsand companies that scan resumes int
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BOOK - B272 Hook Up, Get Hired, An Internet roadmap for both theseasoned Internet user and the Internet "illiterate," thisbook provides "How to" instructions on networking,researching companies, job as searches and creating anInternet-friendly resume. It also include
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BOOK - B338 "Meeting the Year 2000 Challenge: A Guide for PropertyProfessional." Published by BOMA, this book outlines theextent to which the year 2000 computer problem could impactthe commercial real estate industry. Provides instructionsfor the creation and imple
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BOOK - B352 "RealWorks Information System (RWIS)." RWIS is a powerful and comprehensive database software featuring a relationalstructure for storage and organization of current andhistorical information related to a property includingsales, listings, leases, apprai
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BOOK - B353 "RealWorks Valuation System (RWVS)." RWVS provides anautomated solution for estimation by the three approaches to value. System integration allows you to import subject and comparable information to minimize data entry. Ensurecalculation integrity thro
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BOOK - B354 "RealWorks Information System (RWIS) and RealWorksValuation System (RWVS)." Purchase the pakage and save!
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STUDY - S7 Are Corporations Ready to On-ramp the InformationSuperhighway? Conducted in cooperation with Grubb & Ellisand the National Real Estate Investor and completed by Ernst& Young, this study examines how the emerging "InformantionHighway will impact Corporate
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TAPE - C153 Evaluating Your Options (1995).
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TAPE - C157 Integration and Connectivity Are Key (1995).
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