ARTICLE - A643 "Benchmarking in Corporate Real Estate," Fredric W. Frost MCR (February 1992, Page 22).
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ARTICLE - A879 "Benchmarking Best Practices," Jac Fitz-Enz (July/August1993, Page 26).
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ARTICLE - A995 "Assessing the Performance of an Industrial Facilities Management Department," Steven L. Overstreet MCR (May 1994,Page 22).
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ARTICLE - A2075 "Benchmarking Space Needs of Corporate Headquarters inAmerica," Mark Klender (May 1995, Page 35).
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ARTICLE - A3103 "Benchmarking: Using Change Management to Handle Assets,"Marshall J. Cochrane (May 1996, Page 24).
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ARTICLE - A3158 "Using Functionality and Serviceability Standards forStrategic Benchmarking," Francoise Szigeti and Gerald Davis,FASTM, AIA, CFM (November/December 1996, Page 38).
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ARTICLE - A3159 "Benchmarking Bank Occupancy Expenses," Paul J. Garity(November/December 1996, Page 30).
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ARTICLE - A3160 "Benchmarking For Success," Beth Laszlo and Allison BakerWalters (November/December 1996, Page 26).
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ARTICLE - A3161 "Benchmarking Through a Crisis," John Rynecki (November/December 1996, Page 41).
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ARTICLE - A3162 "Bank Industry Effort Offers Insights to More ProductiveReal Estate Management," Kent A. Wiegel MCR and John W.Davis MCR (November/December 1996, Page 34).
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ARTICLE - A4066 "Performance Benchmarking and Strategic Decision Manage-ment", Edward C. Lubieniecki, (October 1997, Page 26).
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ARTICLE - A4067 "Benchmarking Moving Targets", Mark H. Friedman, (October1997, Page 30).
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ARTICLE - A4068 "Benchmarking Corporate Real Estate: Making It Relevantto Management," John A. Delaney MCR, (October 1997, Page 34)
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ARTICLE - A4069 "Benchmarking: Take the High Road", Beverly Rollins-HinkleMCR, (October 1997, Page 36).
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ARTICLE - A4130 "Corporate Real Estate Benchmarking: An Ever-EvolvingPursuit," Helen Arnold, (July/August 1998, Page 28).
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BOOK - B257 Functionality and Serviceability: An Executive Primer.This publication, published jointly by NACORE and theInternational Centre for Facilities (ICF), provides anexecutive overview of the Serviceability Tools and Methods(STM), including the ASTM Compilatio
Price: 10.00 - Add to cart
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BOOK - B258 Serviceability Tools and Methods (STM). Published by theInternational Center for Facilities (ICF), this set of twomanuals and two workbooks complements the ASTM Compilationof Standards on Functional Occupant Requirements and theServiceability of Buildings
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BOOK - B259 ASTM Standards on Whole Building Functionality andServiceability. Published by the American Society forTesting and Measurement (ASTM), this publication will assistyou in defining your occupant functional requirements(demand) and rating your facilities on
Price: 59.00 - Add to cart
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STUDY - S6 Benchmarking in Corporate Real Estate: Space Needs ofCorporate Headquarters in America. Developed by Deloitte &Touche, this report defines the use of benchmarking as avaluable tool for meeting the new accountability standardsdemanded of today's leading c
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STUDY - S14 Impact of Reengineering on Corporate Real Estate. Thisstudy, the fifth such collaborative effort between NACOREand Deloitte & Touche LLP, examines the impact of corporatereengineering on real estate services provided, the realestate organization and repo
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STUDY - S15 Benchmarking Bank Real Estate Expenses. Prepared by KPMGPeat Marwick LLP and NACORE's Banking Advisory Board, thisreport identifies corporate real estate best practices forbanks. (1997)
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TAPE - C124 Performance Measures: Which ones Are Best? (1994).
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TAPE - C171 Benchmarking That Works - 2 Tapes (1995).
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TAPE - C7182 Benchmarking: Keys to Success (San Francisco 1997)
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THESIS - T120 Benchmarking the Performance of an Industrial FacilitiesDepartment (Steven L. Overstreet MCR, 1993).
Price: 15.00 - Add to cart
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