Category: CAREER

ARTICLE - A54 "Success in Real Estate Begins With Communication,"Anthony F. Ettorre (November/December 1988, Page 12).
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ARTICLE - A121 "Make Your Job Search a Win-Win Effort,"Eugene R. Bauchner MCR (June/July 1987, Page 4).
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ARTICLE - A471 "Career Options," Joan A. Podel (January 1991, Page 23).
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ARTICLE - A474 "Handling Those Interview Zingers," J. Christopher Sprehe(June 1991, Page 16).
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ARTICLE - A478 "Up and Down the Corporate Ladder," Nelson C. Kulda MCR,William B. Moore, PE, CPM, Stanley W. Smith, Fredric W.Frost MCR (October 1991, Page 42).
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ARTICLE - A981 "Using Your Corporate Real Estate Skills to Become anEntrepreneur: Finding Your Own Moral Grounds," Morris N.(MarHarper MCR (March/April 1994, Page 22).
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ARTICLE - A3001 "Project Management Uses Dynamic Scheduling," JoelKoppelman (July/August 1995, Page 32).
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ARTICLE - A3070 "Getting Past the Gatekeeper," Christopher Sprehe(October 1995, Page 39).
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ARTICLE - A3118 "Building Your Resume Through Volunteering," Edith M. FeeMCR (July/August 1996, Page 22).
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ARTICLE - A4081 "We Can Build a World-Class Profession,"by Joseph R. Bagby MCR, (November/December 1997, Page 10)
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ARTICLE - A4141 "An open letter to members: Making the most of networking," Jeffrey C. Connell MCR (May 1996 p. 41).
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BOOK - B264 Fire Power, Published by Ten Speed Press and written byFrances Quittel, this publications contains goodinformation on managing your attitude and maintainingyour perspective before and after losing a job. It exercises to get your mental tone set and help bo
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BOOK - B265 In Transition, Aimed at senior executives, thispublication, written by Mary Lindley Burton and Richard A.Wedemeyer, speaks the language of the MBA and illuminatesthe job search process with extensive comments by participants of Harvard Business School Club
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BOOK - B266 Jumping the Job Track: Independent Consultant, Security,satisfaction, and sucess. If your game plan is consulting,this book is full of important things ot know. Written byPeter C. Brown and published by Crown Trade, this bookcovers key topics from how to
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BOOK - B267 The Job Seeker's Guide to On-Line Resources. This bookreveals exponential growth in on-line services forexecutives and professionals in the job market. In addition,it identifies 140 candidate databases, job-posting services,and related resources accessibl
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BOOK - B269 Electronic Resumes for the New Job Market. A JobBankUSA guide written by Peter D. Weddle, this publication is anexcellent tool for targeting your resume for use inelectronic searches and in sending to large search firmsand companies that scan resumes int
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BOOK - B271 Hook Up, Get Hired, An Internet roadmap for both theseasoned Internet user and the Internet "illiterate," thisbook provides "How to" instructions on networking,researching companies, job as searches and creating anInternet-friendly resume. It also include
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BOOK - B273 Kennedy's Pocket Guide to Working with Executive RecruiterRecruiters. Written by James Kennedy, Editor of KennedyPublications, this guide contains 30 chapters by industryexperts including Robert Half, Richard Bolles, RichardWedemeyer, Tony Lee, Bill Wilk
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BOOK - B274 The Complete Guide to International Jobs & Careers.Published by Impact publications, this guide comes packedwith great advice and tips on conducting an internationaljob search and covers the gamut of what you'll need toknow. Find out how realistic, motiva
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BOOK - B321 "Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your ExpertiseUsed." In this book, published by Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer,author Peter Block focuses on what makes successful consulting with this practical, how-to-do-it guidebook. Applying to anyone who does consulting,
Price: 39.95 - Add to cart
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BOOK - B323 "The Consulting Process in Action Second Edition."Published by Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer this book emphasizes therole of the consultant - internal or external - in anorganizational setting. It discusses consultant roles andthe problem-solving process and tech
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STUDY - S13 1997 Compensation Survey, How well are you paid? Theonly professional corporate real estate salary survey avail-able in the industry today, this bi-annual report includesinformation by job title, industry, region, company size,scope of responsibility, and
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TAPE - C22 Up the Corporate Ladder for the Corporate Real EstateDirector (1988).
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TAPE - C166 Your Career: Thinking Outside the Box (1995).
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TAPE - C6226 Unlocking Your Career Potential (Tampa 1996)
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