Admin stuff:

Search Admin

The Search Admin area lets you sift through the
days submitted urls. You can either add or remove
them from the day's run of the URL grabber.

The URL Info Grabber is the script that actually gets
the urls and takes care of cleaning up any bad urls. It
runs once a night, to add and delete the days urls.
And it runs once a month, to check all of the urls
for validity.

Add/Delete Categories

Allows you to add and delete categories.

Bulk Adder/Deleter

The Bulk Adder/Deleter allows you to add or delete
whole bunch of urls at once, one per line.

Banned Words Updater
Banned Urls Updater
Ignored Words Updater

Allows you to update the various word lists available

  • Info on the last run of the url adder
  • Errors from the last url adder run
  • External Urls found by the spider
  • New urls file, urls that will be added in the next run
  • Del urls file, urls that will be deleted in the next run

  • Back to the Site

    Super Site Searcher
    Created by The Independent Solution