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- Super Auction - Hassan.Com Demo
Allow you and/or your visitors to sell their items auction style like All cgi setup is included free Also, Consulting Services for custom programming, CGI, Java,Web stats, Perl, C, Oracle, CSV, add/del/modify/search web database, secure processin
- Searching
Search Forms...
- Greg W Hassans resume
State University of New York At Alfred A.S. in Computer Science Spring 1994 State University of New York At Buffalo...
- The Independent Solution
Web Programming Services - Here to handle all of your CGI, Java, and other programming needs. Specializing in web-based databases and hit statistics....
- Visitors of the Independent Solutions Web Site
Host your own internet Search engine, like Alta Vista or Yahoo All cgi setup is included free Also, Consulting Services for custom programming, CGI, Java,Web stats, Perl, C, Oracle, CSV, add/del/modify/search web database, secure processing of credit card
- The Independent Solution - Custom Stats
Consulting Services, CGI, Java,Web stats, Perl, C, Oracle, CSV, add/del/modify/search web database Site developed by Greg Hassan, The Independent Solution...
- Happy Birthday
Allows you to give a great present to someone special for their birthday. The way it works, you sign up like a week before their birthday, then have all of that persons friends add their comments over that week. Then by the time the birthday comes up the
- Net Birthday Sites
Allows you to give a great present to someone special for their birthday. The way it works, you sign up like a week before their birthday, then have all of that persons friends add their comments over that week. Then by the time the birthday comes up the
- Net Birthday Sites
Net Birthday Sites, allows you to setup a custom web site as a gift to someone. Allows friends to leave their own personal messages on that site....
- World-Wide Classifieds Search Engine
Host your own internet Search engine, like Alta Vista or Yahoo All cgi setup is included free Also, Consulting Services for custom programming, CGI, Java,Web stats, Perl, C, Oracle, CSV, add/del/modify/search web database, secure processing of credit card
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