Sample Super Forms Admin Area

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All of these listed below are individual forms that are being saved
to database files
that you can upload into your personal
computer's database(Filemaker, Excel, Lotus...) For sample purposes
the first listing is the only one that is valid.

  • Booksmith_Order_Form
  • Bookstore_Order_Form
  • Dial_Form
  • Localtime_email
  • Localtime_survey
  • Pedal_Magic_Order
  • Softerware_Form
  • Transitions_Inc_Order

  • These pages are all setup automatically by the cgi
    script, all you would need to do is setup your forms using my script.
    This area would usually be password protected so nobody else
    can view your form submissions.

    This script can be used to process any and all forms on your site.
    It can be setup to email you and save the info to the database.

    Allows for files to be uploaded to the server and emailed
    as an attachment if you like.

    It also can be used for secure transactions and even
    allows for PGP Encryption.

    Your Plug and Play Solution to Forms:
    For only $149 (USD), so you can have it setup on your server right away!

    Online Ordering - Click on the price to add the item to your shopping cart, free setup on your server included!

    Single Site UsageISP Multi-Site License
    Super Forms!$149 (USD)$899 (USD)