| Luck of the Draw | Rock | Bonnie Raitt | $6.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Nick of time | Rock | Bonnie Raitt | $6.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Peter Gabriel | Rock | So | $5.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Phantom soundtrack | Easy Listening | Phantom | $5.00 | Used | 2 disc set | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Piano Concertos | Classical | Mozart | $6.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Pocket Full of Kryptonite | Rock | Spin Doctors | $5.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Refugees of the Heart | Rock | Steve Winwood | $6.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| REM | Rock | REM | $8.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Songs You Know By Heart | Rock | Jimmy Buffet | $9.00 | Used | Jimmy!!! | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |
| Ten Summonder's Tales | Rock | Sting | $6.00 | Used | | Greg | gwhassan@coho.stanford.edu | 415-967-3700 |