Dynamic Product Display Add-On Module

This module creates your product pages dynamically for you.
It even allows for extra fields, image and text, so that you
can display large amounts of product information while keeping
your database small.

The way it works, you get two new directories, image and descriptions.
There you place an image or description for each product, named
productid.jpg or productid.txt. Then on the product display template
page you can use the variables image and description. If those files
exist they will be displayed, else it will display a default file
from those directories.

Of course, like any other template file, you can move all of
the database variables around as you like. Everyone wants
something different so this allows you to set the html to
your needs.

So the users would be able to upload image files and
submit a larger description of the item. And their would
be a more details link on the current category display, which
would link to this new dynamic product display page.

Purchase this today!

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