Also, check out the Super Cart and the Super Site Searcher

Super Home Pages

Give your users their own url on the World Wide Web like Geocities!

The Independent Solution can get you up in no time!

This package includes setup on your server and unlimited
techinal support
to get you moving on the worldwide highway.

You will be able to adjust the html of the site to make it
look the way you need it to.

  • Platform Independent (It will run on your web server: NT, 95, Unix...)
  • Can handle even the largest sites, super fast!
  • Setup is included for free, if you wish, no CGI knowledge required
  • Supports an unlimited number of users
  • Will be completely setup within a day or two of your payment.
  • Unlimited Email Techinal Support
  • Easily adjustable template files, you can make it look however you like!
  • Users get a web-based admin area to adjust their site anytime
  • Users can upload files as needed
  • Users can edit their html files through their web-based admin area
  • Total disk space allowed can be adjusted
  • Banner Ads can be added to each web page or come up in a seperate window

Pricing and Descriptions:

Online Ordering - Add items to your shopping cart by clicking on the prices.

Single Site Usage
(One Domain)
ISP Site License
(Unlimited Domains)
Super Home Pages $1199 (USD)$4999 (USD)

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